Hello all,
So this is my first time ever creating a blog, and of course posting, so sorry if this is a little rough! I guess I might as well start with an introduction! I am Makayla and I am attending Grand Valley State University, where I am studying Elementary education with a group social studies and plan to minor in Spanish! This blog is actually for a math class that I am taking right now, but I plan to use this blog to show my journey from being a student to finally having a class of my very own! I am definitely one with the "travel bug"my dream is to teach abroad and I plan on making sure that happens at least for a few years! :)
Now I'm trying of think of what else to share, possibly how I knew I wanted to become a teacher? Well the desire was always there I just never really realized it till my Junior year in high school. I am definitely a people person, I love being around people! I cheered all through high school and through that I began coaching; I absolutely loved working with the girls, and I have been coaching 3rd grade for 4 years now! Then I joined a new class in the school called, TEAMS, this class was designed to have students come in a mentor the students that are in alternative ed, and students who are retaking classes on line. That class is when I realized that I belong in education. I loved watching the students have that ah-ha moment when they finally made the connection on something they were working on and watching students grow not just academically but as a person is a great feeling. Now I am here and I can not wait to get my degree and help shape the next generation. :)
I hope this was not to awful. I can't wait for you to follow me on my journey!