Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Statistics, and why Children love it.

     For the past few weeks we have talked about statistics a lot and how it can be incorporated into our classroom. I know I had a lot of fun creating the graphs and boards because it was something I was interested in collecting data about, and know what the statistics for the question or object may be.

     With children we need to make sure that the assignments that they receive are fun or something that they can be interested in and feel as if they have a part in the decision when it comes to assignments such as projects. Here are  few pictures of projects students created in K-4, and it shows that when they are working on something they are interested in knowing and working on, they will really get involved with that project.

Even in my other classes we are focusing on making sure we give the students a choice in what they get to work on. Such as in english they can have their writing journal to grab ideas on what to write about on a paper; and not just something that the teacher assigns in a prompt that they could really care less about.
Students need to have something that interests them in order to have the motivation to want to succeed in a project and I think that even with troubled students a project like this we would really see a great sense of involvement.