Sunday, September 28, 2014

Triangle and Quadrilateral Math: Memorizing vs. Learning

With what we have been discussing in class as of late, there is a few things that has stood out to me that has not in the past, and also there is information that I have learned in the past that is now being resurfaced. 

When we first began to start  talking about these shapes it took me a few tries to really remember which was whiter, whether that be if acute was the bigger angle of the smaller angle, information like that. What I think we do need to stress with the students is remembering these small facts, not being able to recall all that made me feel as if maybe I didn't not pay attention 100% in class or the teacher did not quite use the right assessments to test or knowledge. I think at times we, and I included do this very often, I focus so much on memorizing the information that I do not actually learn it. I believe this is because my teacher at most times would have us right underneath each shape what type it was; however I believe something that is more interactive and has students working together is where actual learning takes place and with practice.

My idea is that playing the quadrilateral memory game like we did in class, is a great interactive way to assess students in a different way then just labeling each different shape! With math I think that how we go about teaching it and assessing it needs to be changed to get rid of the "stigma" that I was discussing in my last post.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hollywood Hating Math.

In class we watched an interesting video (link below), on all these clips where math is discussed in a negative light in movies. After watching this it really explains why so many people, me included, cringe when we hear the word math or anything to do with it. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING! With todays technology and the rapid growth we are going through, math and science has become every schools main focus it seems, however so many people are discouraged by it. This also connects to the fact that students tend to like what their parents tend to approve of, if their parents do not like math, then they already have a negative attitude towards math. With movies and tv shows always putting a bad light on math how are we supposed to expect students to see the fun that is in math? For me Pinterest is always the answer, and I began to look up new ways to bring out the fun in math; books. Children at this age need to have new ways to explore math other then just problems, and I believe math based books are a great way to start, and bring in a new way of learning math! I plan to use this in the future, and I hope it makes a difference in my classroom, and students are more excited to see what math has to offer!

Math in Children's Literature (pinterest):
Hollywood Hates Math: