Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hollywood Hating Math.

In class we watched an interesting video (link below), on all these clips where math is discussed in a negative light in movies. After watching this it really explains why so many people, me included, cringe when we hear the word math or anything to do with it. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING! With todays technology and the rapid growth we are going through, math and science has become every schools main focus it seems, however so many people are discouraged by it. This also connects to the fact that students tend to like what their parents tend to approve of, if their parents do not like math, then they already have a negative attitude towards math. With movies and tv shows always putting a bad light on math how are we supposed to expect students to see the fun that is in math? For me Pinterest is always the answer, and I began to look up new ways to bring out the fun in math; books. Children at this age need to have new ways to explore math other then just problems, and I believe math based books are a great way to start, and bring in a new way of learning math! I plan to use this in the future, and I hope it makes a difference in my classroom, and students are more excited to see what math has to offer!

Math in Children's Literature (pinterest):
Hollywood Hates Math:


  1. I totally agree that Hollywood paints math to be the horrible class that kids can never pass. I watched that video and I probably had seen 90% of those clips. I know Hollywood is not know for being the best role model, but with how influential it is, I wonder what would happen to our societies interest in math if Hollywood embraced it and painted it in a better light? I lovee Pinterest too! lol I use it now to get great lesson ideas and I'm just a student so I know it will be on my favorite list when I am actually teaching. Its such a good tool to get creative lesson ideas so it helps break up the boring lecture style lessons.

  2. Maybe link your Pinterest page?

    Good idea for a post (content, coherent), but to be an exemplar you want to extend the ideas here with more of your own thinking. What is your attitude towards math? If positive, why? How? If negative, what could you do to change your own? (to be complete)

    What is it about some of the math you see on Pinterest that makes it seem engaging?

    (clear) try paragraph structure to help spell out your ideas.

    Once you have more here, tie it up by summarizing, analyzing why important, or thinking about what to do next. (consolidated)
